Job Seeker
Trades and construction Jobs
Welcome Ryan!
A big welcome to Ryan who’s the newest member of the Hirestaff team. Ryan brings 7 years experience as a residential builder into his new Account Manager role. After spending his time working numerous projects around Hamilton and Auckland, it was time to put down the tools and do something different. As our Account Manager for trades and construction jobs, Ryan will bring hands on experience and knowledge to recruit for these roles.
Jobs he will cover will include:
- Builders/Carpenters
- Hammer hands
- Scaffolders
- Spanner hands
- Scaffold labourers
- General labourers
If you’re a business looking to hire staff or temporary labour in trades and construction, then contact Ryan! He’ll pop down to site and find out your requirements.

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Whether you're looking for staff or searching for new opportunities, we've got you covered!

57 Walls Road, Penrose
Auckland, 1051, New Zealand
Auckland, 1051, New Zealand
Level 5, aviation house
cnr featherston and johnston street wellington, 6011, New Zealand
cnr featherston and johnston street wellington, 6011, New Zealand
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